MERCITALIA Shunting & Terminal S.r.l. is a company within the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane group, with its registered office in Genoa. In July 2017, it became part of the MERCITALIA POLO, which brings together all the companies of the FSI Group operating in freight transport and logistics. The MERCITALIA POLO aims to revitalize and promote the freight business of the FSI Group by developing integrated solutions that enhance the railway transport.


La Spezia Shunting Railways was established in 2013 on the initiative of the Port Authority of La Spezia, now known as the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea. The Port Authority took the lead in the formation of the Single Railway Shunting Entity, and it was immediately joined by terminal operators, Multimodal Transport Operators (MTOs), and railway companies operating within the port, essentially encompassing all the key players in the La Spezia railway landscape.